How to add a Twitter Follow button to your website

The website includes a simple tool to generate the embed for a follow button to copy-and-paste into your website template. Just enter a @screenName to get started.
1. Create an anchor element with a twitter-follow-button class name. Set the href attribute value pointing to a Twitter profile URL.
<a class="twitter-follow-button"
Follow @LatestBankUpdat</a>

2. Customize Follow button parameters using data-* attributes.
<a class="twitter-follow-button"
Follow @LatestBankUpdat</a>

3. Asynchronously load the Twitter for Websites JavaScript using our loading snippet. The script will initialize the Follow button after your page content loads.

Button customization

Hide followers count
Hide the number of Twitter accounts following the specified account by setting a data-show-count attribute value of false.

Hide username
Hide the username from the displayed Follow button by setting a data-show-screen-name attribute value of false.

Large button style
Add a data-size attribute value of large to display a larger Follow button.


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